Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate on 9th October 2023

Published October 09, 2023

Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate on 9th October 2023

Official Interbank and Open Market Rates, Weekly and Monthly Trends

Open Market

  • Buying rate: PKR 74.04
  • Selling rate: PKR 74.24


  • Buying rate: PKR 73.94
  • Selling rate: PKR 74.14


  • Buying rate: PKR 73.99
  • Selling rate: PKR 74.19

This means that for every Saudi Riyal, you can get 74.04 Pakistani Rupees if you are buying and 74.24 Pakistani Rupees if you are selling in the open market. In the interbank market, you can get 73.94 Pakistani Rupees if you are buying and 74.14 Pakistani Rupees if you are selling. The average buying rate is 73.99 Pakistani Rupees and the average selling rate is 74.19 Pakistani Rupees.

Please note that exchange rates can fluctuate throughout the day, so it is always best to check with a currency exchange bureau or bank before making a transaction.

Factors that affect exchange rates

There are a number of factors that can affect exchange rates, including:

  • Interest rates: Countries with higher interest rates tend to have stronger currencies, as investors are attracted to the higher returns.
  • Inflation: Countries with high inflation tend to have weaker currencies, as the value of money decreases over time.
  • Economic growth: Countries with strong economic growth tend to have stronger currencies, as demand for their goods and services increases.
  • Political stability: Countries with political stability tend to have stronger currencies, as investors are more likely to invest in countries that are seen as safe and reliable.
  • Supply and demand: The basic law of supply and demand also applies to exchange rates. If there is more demand for a currency than supply, the value of that currency will increase.

How to get the best exchange rate

If you are looking to get the best exchange rate for Saudi Riyals to Pakistani Rupees, there are a few things you can do:

  • Compare exchange rates from different currency exchange bureaus and banks. Don't just go to the first one you see. Take some time to compare rates and find the best deal.
  • Negotiate the exchange rate. If you are exchanging a large amount of money, you may be able to negotiate a better exchange rate.
  • Avoid exchanging money at airports and hotels. These places typically have the worst exchange rates.
  • Use a currency exchange website or app. There are a number of websites and apps that allow you to compare exchange rates and find the best deal.
Saudi RiyalSaudi Riyal to Pakistani RupeeToday Saudi RiyalSaudi Riyal Rate

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