Emirates Global Islamic Bank Limited Egibl


Contact Details
AddressShopping Arcade, Karachi Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Club Road, Karachi, Pakistan
Fax(92-21) 5630575
Email[email protected]

Additional Info

Emirates Global Islamic Bank Limited,
 a dedicated Islamic Commercial Bank, commenced operations in February 2007. This network will be of 25 branches in 2008. Emirates Global Islamic Bank Limited provides commercial banking services. EGIBL was created with a vision of becoming the Islamic bank of preference. Through a professional management team comprising of reputed Shariah scholars, EGIBL has quickly positioned itself as a quality Islamic Bank that adheres to the requirements of a diversified customer base seeking salvation in Islamic financial instruments.

Emirates Global Islamic Bank Limited (EGIBL) - Looking for a decent money changer in Karachi, Pakistan? Find the contact details of Emirates Global Islamic Bank Limited (EGIBL), one of the finest money changers in the country. You can check out detailed information like complete contact address, phone numbers, fax number, mobile number, email and website address of Emirates Global Islamic Bank Limited (EGIBL) in Finance section.

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