FA Result 2023 Bise Sahiwal Board By Name and Roll Number

Bise Sahiwal

BoardExam ResultStatus
Sahiwal Board
Sahiwal Board
BISE Sahiwal Board 12th Class 1st Annual Result 2023Will be Announced On 23rd September 2023


BISE Sahiwal Board 12th Class Result 2023 will be announced on 23rd September 2023 officially.

July 2023 Update

Ensure you're up-to-date with the latest developments regarding your BISE Sahiwal Board FA Result 2023 by staying connected to this dedicated page. A hearty welcome is extended to both regular and private FA students of the Sahiwal Board, granting them unfettered access to the most recent FA result updates. Furthermore, this page outlines the procedural aspects of result checking. Key details to bear in mind concerning the recent FA result updates encompass:

- The eagerly anticipated FA result 2023 for the Sahiwal board is pending release.

- Anticipate results to be announced approximately three months after the board exams conclude.

- The written exams for FA part 2 students under the Sahiwal Board commenced on May 20th, 2023, culminating on June 3rd, 2023.

- For FA part 1 students, written exams commenced on June 5th, 2023, and will conclude on June 20th, 2023.

- FA practical exams are set to conclude by August 18th, 2023.

- The much-awaited release date for the FA part 2 result from the Sahiwal board is scheduled for September 23rd, 2023.

- Foresee the announcement of the Sahiwal board FA part 1 result 2023 in October 2023.

Remain seamlessly connected and well-informed about your BISE Sahiwal FA result 2023 via this dedicated page.

For those opting to check their result using their roll number, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official Sahiwal Board website.

2. Opt for the intermediate exam type.

3. Select the year (2023).

4. Choose the "Annual" option.

5. Input your roll number.

6. Click on "Show Result."