HSSC Result 2023 Bise Gujranwala Board By Name and Roll Number

Bise Gujranwala

BoardExam ResultStatus
Gujranwala Board
Gujranwala Board
BISE Gujranwala Board 12th Class 1st Annual Result 2023Will be Announce on 23rd September 2023


BISE Gujranwala Board 12th class Result 2023 will be announced on 23rd September 2023 at 10:00 AM

Gujranwala Board is set to unveil the results on September 23, 2023, at 10:00 AM. Seeking updates on Gujranwala Board HSSC Result? You've landed on the right platform. This dedicated page is designed to provide students with information about their recently released HSSC result and offer hassle-free access to it.

These updates cater to both regular and private students, allowing them to effortlessly check their HSSC Part 1 and Part 2 results online, right from the comfort of their homes. Here are the latest insights into the HSSC Result 2023:

- The BISE Gujranwala HSSC Result 2023 is pending release.

- HSSC exams under the Gujranwala Board have already concluded.

- Written exams for HSSC Part 2 students occurred from May 20, 2023, to June 3, 2023.

- HSSC Part 1 written exams commenced on June 5, 2023, and will conclude on June 20, 2023.

- Gujranwala Board HSSC practical exams will continue until August 7, 2023.

- Anticipated result date for Gujranwala Board HSSC Part 2 is September 23, 2023.

- The result for Gujranwala Board HSSC Part 1 is projected to be announced in October 2023.

Please note that the aforementioned result dates are subject to change, underscoring the importance of staying tuned to this page.

The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education orchestrates the annual examinations of SSC and HSSC (FA/FSC/ICS/I.Com). Roll number slips are provided to students a month before exams commence. Students can download these slips from the board's official website using their names or roll numbers.

Gujranwala Board is entrusted with announcing results for every program. Stay connected for the latest updates on roll number slips, exams, and results. We remain committed to updating you promptly after the official announcements by the Gujranwala board. It's essential to note that the HSSC Part 1 Result 2023 for Gujranwala Board will follow the HSSC Part 2 Result 2023 for the same board.