Book Detail

Para 14

Para 14 of the Quran, also known as Rubama, is the fourteenth para of the Quran, and it begins with the verse:
Rubama yudallu rabbaka wa yukarrimuka

This verse means, "Perhaps your Lord will guide you and exalt you."
Para 14 contains 77 verses, and it is divided into two roughly equal parts. The first part of the para deals with the stories of the prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), and Lut (Lot), while the second part of the para deals with a variety of other topics, including the oneness of Allah, the importance of following Allah's guidance, and the consequences of disbelief and disobedience.

Some of the key themes and lessons that can be learned from Para 14 include:
  • The importance of faith in Allah, even in the face of adversity.
  • The importance of following Allah's guidance and obeying His commands.
  • The importance of patience and perseverance in the face of trials and tribulations.
  • The certainty of the Day of Judgment and the rewards and punishments that await us in the afterlife.
Here is a creative description of Para 14:
Rubama, a para of wisdom and grace,
Where stories unfold, and lessons embrace.
Ibrahim's faith, so steadfast and pure,
Isma'il's devotion, that will forever endure.
Lut's courage, to stand against the tide,
A reminder to all, to stay by Allah's side.

From the oneness of Allah to the rewards of the just,
Para 14 teaches us, to put our trust.
To follow His guidance, with all our might,
And strive to live our lives, in His perfect light.

So let us open the pages, of this blessed para,
And let its wisdom, guide us through this journey, to our fardah.
May Allah bless us with the understanding of its verses,
And the ability to apply its teachings, in our daily traverses.